Saturday, January 14, 2006


hey ladies -- hope weekends are off to a great start!

I am doing mega damage control right now for a happy hour we're having tonight. I invited just 4 girls from my society -- the suitemates are trying to keep it relatively small and gender balanced, and none of them invited their societies. then one of the invited chicks emails out to the society list and is like I can't wait for Molly's party! going to be awesome! see you all there! gaaaaaaaaaaah that's awesome. I just emailed out to invite them all, but I have to admit I'm hoping they won't all come -- that's just so many girls who won't know other people there and will speak in very high voices. I love them dearly, but so many girls....

in response to Ma'ayan's qs:

- do you guys still hook up with people, without the intention of doing it w/ them again
I didn't really start hooking up until second semester of last year. I hook up randomly like twice a semester with guys I'm distant friends with but don't see all that often.

- if you're just hooking up with someone like once a week, do you usually hang out a lot with them aside from that?

um, I don't actually hook up with people regularly. I haven't done a steady hookup that wasn't a relationship. tried to do that with Peter. things fell apart.

- how long of hooking up with a guy before you decide whether you want to date him?
no time limit -- whenver you feel like it. not that there's really any difference beside the name you give it, I think, if you're also hanging out regularly.

- how far are you supposed to go, and how fast?
I don't really have a sense of progression any more -- I feel like random hookups go by a very different pattern than steady hookups.

wow, it's been a mad long time since I was in a relationship. whatevs. happy weekend!


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