Wednesday, February 01, 2006


ender: yeah state of the union... congrats on having your response posted--that's cool =).
and slim: congratulations on accepting that job! that's super exciting. how was the ski trip? where'd you go?
steph: dinosaur taing sounds like fun... good luck.

my semester starts next week for real. yikes. i am feeling very lost with respect to my thesis at the moment. seriously drowning. need a viable topic. (you're not alone, darcy). on the plus side, i made my first loaf of bread. josh & i baked challah, as you can see in the photo. only we forgot to take the picture until we had already eaten half of it. oh well.

not much going on otherwise. maybe i will go to charm school on friday--yearly iap tradition, but i've never attended. i think they teach you what to do with one million forks and spoons at a fancy dinners and other useless stuff. okay that's all for now. bye-bye!


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