Wednesday, May 31, 2006


did you all see that ligia is getting married? in july, to jason. and then he is going to iraq. wow. yay for facebook stalking.

and darcy: boo to your summer schedule. that sucks :( :( :(. by the way, how did you ever find that web page?

and ender: congrats on finishing the thesis--almost there!!

my graduation is next friday. woah.

boooo! i'm missing so many of you. I'm home jun 7-11 or something like that (as in, i am leaving princeton the 6th by car, and then arriving home whenever i arrive. and then, flying out on the 12th, actually in the afternoon i think). but, i get to see molly, yay.
then i come home sept 6th.

oh looky look what i found congradulations leila!!! :-D

i'm done w/ school, and waiting till next tuesday to graduate. but i'm trying to get started on my summer work, though nothing has happened despite some 2 weeks passing by.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


finished my thesis yesterday! hoorah! but I don't present until June 8. Also, zimbardo (the prof) is making us print up ANOTHER poster, because that one was apparently a "rough draft". of course, we don't have the BUDGET to print another poster, and we're all going to be printing on the psych plotter --> it will run out of ink very quickly. Oy vey!

So yeah, I'm really pushing hard to get a date settled on the Michigan thing. I have to schedule surgery for right around that time on June 13th, so if we know by then when we would be going, I could get tickets and have the surgery after it. So let's set a date ASAP!

Yeah... nowhere close to done with my quarter. I felt soooo stupid when I realized I could have not taken classes this quarter and just done camp stanford for the last couple months .... wow. I SO wish I'd done that.

annnnd .... I guess that's mostly all. Let's really set a date soon. And darcyyyy holla.

PS if any of you guys ever want to come out to sunny ca for a while ... elle you're off the hook but the rest of you!

yeah ok. end of post!

Monday, May 29, 2006


Hi guys-

so i am coming back to champaign on june 19th. i will be there for most of the summer except for a week or so around the 3rd week of july. i leave to go back to boston around august 20th. michigan would be awesome :) and i hope to see many of you this summer regardless.

ender: cool poster! sounds like a neat project--i'm glad your results worked out so nicely. and tess: that was a cute video! i got a kick out of it.

i also am not graduating for another week and a half, though my semester is over now--yay!

darcy: will you be around ever???


Sunday, May 28, 2006


chill out! I don't know when I'll be back ... it looks like I may be having surgery at the end of June/early July in which case I may not make it back in time!! :(

I haven't graduated yet... in fact I still have 3 papers to turn in. I talked to Hannah McC who told me she's rooming with Tess next year! Tess, is this true?

Let's check our facts here.

Friday, May 26, 2006

ok now



I'm here all the time except June 1-8 (Dominican Republic with the fam) until July 15. partaaaaay.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Ok, so someone other than me needs to post asap, considering my thesis is due umm tomorrow, and i am in desperate need of a procrastination device...

Other than that, not much going on here. Senior Ball was last weekend--a lot of fun. I posted pictures on the facebook, so I don't think I'll duplicate any of them here, but umm you can check them out if you like.

Okay, i'm back to thesising, i swear.