Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Woo state of the union!

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

The Roosevelt Institution issued a rapid (but, as Kai points out, not vapid) response, and I'm in it and it's published online! Woooo! It's here! Exciting, no?

Let's generate some EXCITEMENT for this stuff! Bush actually spent almost a whole 2 minutes on education! And he in all honesty talked about HIV and I was shocked and pleased.

Alright, it's SOOOO past my bedtime.


Sunday, January 29, 2006

Thursday, January 26, 2006


a good thing you're dating kai, j-ro, or there would be a lot of slichter-babies populating the world after this visit....uh huhhhh. I'm not a huge fan of TFA, but that's just because I associate it with the Peacecorps and that has any number of problems.

steph -- I'm on a major dinosaur kick right now! I just ordered a 3D dinosaur calendar and I can't wait till it arrives.

life update: mailed my contract to Mahindra today. loving my suitemates. got booted out of an econ seminar because of space constraints, so my schedule is totally in flux -- what the hell! one of my society girls emailed the group asking for blow job advice, and the feedback has been amaaazing and so much fun to read.

boy update: Alex, this guy I've had a few coffee dates with, came over tonight for a Bollywood film. watched about half and then made out in a very high school way. suitemate walked in -- ay me. that might be going somewhere. revision: that is going somewhere, but I don't know how far it will go or how far I will let it go (I mean about dating, not about sex or something).

SY ski trip this weekend! won't be as posh as yours, elle (no hot tub :( ) but I'm really excited. tomorrow night I'm going to an "anything but clothes party" where clothing and nudity are both banned. I'm thinking I'll fashion of a dress of comics, but that's not too creative. do you guys have any suggestions?



dude, that's awesome about the TA job tess. way to go! and you're SWIMMING d? i also this week just overcame incredible inertia and did 3.5 hours of work that i've been putting off for 8 months for my thesis. so now i can start running subjects soon (iiiidiot).

i have heard a lot of mixed things about TFA. I've talked to a bunch of people who have done it, and a few of them had bad things to say, but overwhelmingly they did really like it. It IS a lot of work, but how can it not be? My main criticism of it is that it's getting larger not smaller (the idea is that it should just be temporary) but I suppose it's not necessarily the fault of the program so much as other failures in society. And D -- generally, if you can get anyone in these classes that wants to make sure the kids get good grades its a good thing. And I think more often while TFA people aren't as good TEACHERS, their close enough in age that it does make a lot more of a difference. They asked me to meet with a recruiter last week and he said a lot of people who really hate it go in with an unrealistic attitude about what's going to happen. I don't know how true that is but it sounds better than other things I've heard. Also, I'm worried that if i never get teaching experience, my research won't be legit. you know? I'm still applying for other things, but those are far less controversial. :)

Also, David S is visiting me tomorrow! He'll be out here for the weekend! Fun, huh?

Okay, I should finish this problem set. :)
lol, steph, i've been enjoying the fact i can tell who it is from the first 4 words of each post!
ender = jj
elle = leila
slim = molly
darcy = me
steph = you!!

TAing dinosaurs = whoa way to go. man, i'd never get a TA job. plus, i'd be scared. but, you will undoubtably have cute guys in your class! (but i guess that is usually true). Is it predominantly guys or girls?

ditto to elle on teach for america. i've heard mixed reviews. what i heard was that they push kids too hard to get great grades and don't neccessarily let them focus on their own development and on knowing what they want, and then they get to college with no idea of what they want to do in life or how to do it and they feel like miserable lost souls and just want to drop out. whether that's so terrible is a matter of personal opinion, i guess.

elle, congradulations on moving backwards! :) and on overcoming the "overwhelming inertia" that's how I feel w.r.t. my thesis right now, except i havnet overcome it yet.

i went swimming last night on the club swim team and swam a meager 2.8k, but feel so good now. i'm thinking of maybe joining but am very skeptical about my potential for improvement. cuz i never ever got better on Storm, and always stagnated while everyone around me improved. I'm trying to persuade myself that now I bulk up better, but am not sure how convinced I am.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

i digress

darcy- i like your rambling--no need to edit
slim-Congratulations on accepting the job! it sounds really interesting. that must be a big relief =).
ender-teach for america sounds really challenging (have you talked to someone who's done it?) but i'm sure it would be a really good experience. good luck!

ski trip was awesome except for the lack of fresh snow. highlight (besides of course the skiing itself & the RAINBOW) was hanging out in the outdoor jacuzzi while it was snowing (a few flurries, alas not enough to cover the slopes with powder). also watched lost in translation, which you should definitely see if you haven't already.

now the week has started. i decided to drop my language, learning & memory january class because i (ahem) forget to attend lecture & attendance is mandatory. whatever. i didn't need it anyway. ice skating is going better. i can now move backwards (although not very quickly). AND today i overcame the overwhelming inertia & started my data entry project--boring but necessary. i need to find a quote for the yearbook. yikes!

okay that's all for now...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

new signing name!

like it??

congratulations on the job slim! that's awesome!

I just decided to apply for Teach for America ... they sent me some recruiting stuff and it may not be a bad idea to have experience. Actually it's a really good idea.

So it's the weekend ... and that's really it. But i wanted to holler because no one has for a lil bit!


Thursday, January 19, 2006

haha yeah i'm too rambly, lol. so i go back and edit. thanks for the flattery though :) cuz i totally agree w/ you, too much honesty is not sexy. though i kinda tend to say all the wrong things myself, but not quite to that extent.
and yay i'm excited you took the job! cuz it's ridiculously cool. i hope you like india. man i'd love to be there, if they had jobs for ppl like me. i just hope its not like holland, in terms of like, foreigners arent always as good company as they ought to be.
and i like the guy story too :-D

hello i love you

what's up, homeslices. sounds like life is going ok. I hope you are well-rested and healthy! darcy, did you delete a post? I was just about to reference the "your face isn't bad-looking" quote, because that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! one, you're gorgeous. two, who says that?? asshole!

weekend update: party went off without a hitch, thankfully. we got a good showing of society girls but not en masse, so really pleasant to see them all. had a truly excellent time. went out to the skeezy dance club that everyone goes to on saturdays. went home with some guy and then lost interest after like 10 mins and was like....um I'm going to fall asleep now. and then slept for a couple mins and then was like um I'm going home. good story!

this week....figuring out what classes I'm going to take. so far my seminars look AMAZING, which makes me super-excited.

oh, also: I accepted a job with Mahindra British Telecom in Pune, which is ~130 miles from Mumbai. I'll be in India for the next two years analyzing their client service agreements. eeeee!

adios, amigas

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

yay guys thanks soooo much for your answers! you guys are really smart. and it helps me decide what he means by what he's doing.
on saturday i finally hooked up w/ him. and since then he's come to visit me every day. woo!
hmm maybe i'll get a pic of him and post it.

molly, how did the party turn out?

jj: logjam was the word from boulderdash!

Remember LOGJAM????

Monday, January 16, 2006

Whoa -- what do you mean tess? What kind of mistake are we talking about here?

This weekend was sooooo unproductive, but I got a LOT of sleep and had a lot of really bad dreams. Columbae had its roomwarming party last night because we all switched rooms which was really fun, and really drunk, and 3/5 of my friends I invited who came puked (aww!). I took care of my boyfriend and he was the most cooperative drunk ever, which was nice. His housemate got along really well with one of my roommates which is really cute, they're both totally nice.

I went to a Nancy Pelosi holiday party yesterday which was neat -- met some really nice staff members of hers.

And I'm SO tired. I got breadbaking as my chore this quarter which is exciting, and so hopefully now the oven will stay on most of the time.

Sweet! Love to all of you. :)

i don't know

hi there

So feeling a little better after...ahem...SIX days. stupid cold. My sis e & her bf (m) came to Boston on Saturday. it was a really rainy day, but oh well. j & i dragged them around boston in the rain, pausing every now and then to succumb to my hacking cough. must've been quite a sight.

not much going on. need to get back on top of my life which i think has been slipping with this cold. need to send transcripts to grad schools. hmph. also, ice skating stopped going well thursday when they tried to teach backward skating. i just stand there while everyone else moves backwards. something isn't clicking.

looking forward to next weekend--SKIING! with my bf and emily & her bf. yay!

and molly, umm i hope you don't spend to long pining away for relatively geographically inaccessible (i'm guessing) hot illinois camp boy. sounded like a good way to spend new years though =).

going to shopping i think... spend those gift cards from christmas.

ciao bellas...

Saturday, January 14, 2006


hey ladies -- hope weekends are off to a great start!

I am doing mega damage control right now for a happy hour we're having tonight. I invited just 4 girls from my society -- the suitemates are trying to keep it relatively small and gender balanced, and none of them invited their societies. then one of the invited chicks emails out to the society list and is like I can't wait for Molly's party! going to be awesome! see you all there! gaaaaaaaaaaah that's awesome. I just emailed out to invite them all, but I have to admit I'm hoping they won't all come -- that's just so many girls who won't know other people there and will speak in very high voices. I love them dearly, but so many girls....

in response to Ma'ayan's qs:

- do you guys still hook up with people, without the intention of doing it w/ them again
I didn't really start hooking up until second semester of last year. I hook up randomly like twice a semester with guys I'm distant friends with but don't see all that often.

- if you're just hooking up with someone like once a week, do you usually hang out a lot with them aside from that?

um, I don't actually hook up with people regularly. I haven't done a steady hookup that wasn't a relationship. tried to do that with Peter. things fell apart.

- how long of hooking up with a guy before you decide whether you want to date him?
no time limit -- whenver you feel like it. not that there's really any difference beside the name you give it, I think, if you're also hanging out regularly.

- how far are you supposed to go, and how fast?
I don't really have a sense of progression any more -- I feel like random hookups go by a very different pattern than steady hookups.

wow, it's been a mad long time since I was in a relationship. whatevs. happy weekend!

Friday, January 13, 2006

post more

ps. some of you (not pointing fingers) don't post enough. common, its like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. its faster than an IM conversation. and it will make one not-so-little kid very happy.


yay jj-t thanks for your answers!! i love you!!! (and i like your antivirus joke too)

speaking of hungarians, i know this hungarian girl, and her nose is like a tiny bit like jj's but not nearly as good. but anyways, i saw this guy today, andwaslike whoa cuz he looks like the girl and here is a pic of him but he is not actually hungarian. he's norweigen. so that was a huge disappointment.

on the other hand i did correctly identify a portugese guy a couple days ago based on the owl-like expression he habitually wears. and he was super impressed because apparently most portugese do not have his jaw or something. but i didnt want to tell him, No its cuz you look like an owl that i figured it out.

Answers a la jj-t

(in Hungarian, when you want to make something an object something or whatever, you add a t. So I'm JJt a lot.)

First off, girls, please get well! I'm running antivirus a lot, but just ... okay, bad joke.

Darcy, IIIII think:
-yes (esp the boy crashing at my boy's house right now ... geeez). except in the situation when YOU think it's a one time thing, and then they have a tendency to call. a lot.
-sometimes, depends if you're friends and on schedules and location
-1 day to 7 months, plus or minus.
-no farther then you want, no faster. :) Remember D.A.R.E.??

Geez I'm so helpful! Good luck girl.

Dude, I'm so tired. Went to senior pub night last night, had a great drink, but was too tired to be really into it. But totally yay for being 21, right, tess?? :)


holla back + questions

slimmy, what happened to alex? dead story? tell it anyways?

my guy is jon, except i havent yet hooked up w/ him (cuz of my cold). and i just broke up with the last guy like 4 weeks ago, for which i feel bad. this is my first jewish guy though, that's exciting! and he's a sophomore.
okay so what i'm confused about is:
- do you guys still hook up with people, without the intention of doing it w/ them again
- if you're just hooking up with someone like once a week, do you usually hang out a lot with them aside from that?
- how long of hooking up with a guy before you decide whether you want to date him?
- how far are you supposed to go, and how fast?

okay, obviously1/2 of you are in relationships, but answer like in general and what i'm supposed to be doing. cuz NONE of my friends here do anythign at all, and i'm like totally confused :(

ps. JJ, i LOVE the song. cute!

Thursday, January 12, 2006



little to update. borderline smitten with the guy i hooked up with over break -- bad news bear. currently chatting online with bf of 2 summers ago, tom, about details of life. simultaneously chugging water to counteract hangover of tomorrow. AWESOME!!!!!!



So I've had all of my classes now! They're totally exciting (not really -- but they do all seem okay thus far).

I also figured out that for the night that I'm in charge of cooking we're going to eat carrot ginger soup, chile with quinoa, marinated vegetables, and gingerbread! Sweet!

I'm glad everyone's on! Tess I did show people the photo of you in the hat. :)

The job search continues ... as always. Other than that no major updates today.

Oh, I'll post the song the boy made up and sang this morning as he was getting dressed:

"Grey socks, they never get dirty
The longer you wear them the stronger they get
Sometimes, I think I might wash them
But something inside me keeps saying 'not yet!'"

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hi guys-

Sorry for the delay in joining... I'm excited to see that you guys are using it! Sucks that there's not a way to make it private. You'd think that wouldn't be so hard.

Today kind of sucked--had a fever and skipped my ice skating class. Not much going on in general though. I've been mostly sleeping.

Tess, I'm really impressed by the hat! Very cute.



i just made you all admins. feel free to change stuff.


Yay! I'm absolutely thrilled that this is getting used!

Tess -- I LOVE the hat! I'm so impressed that you finished it already! The stitching looks way even. How was making the flaps?

So my classes started yesterday ... I only had one, but it seems like it's good (intro to comparitve studies in race & ethnicity. Interestingly we have to keep a 'race journal' and write in it twice a week). I have my 2 stats classes today. Wheee!

I am living in a commune this quarter -- we (almost) all have our desks in a room on the first floor, we have our 15 mattresses in a room on the 3rd floor, and right near that we have our social room. The kids in it are way cool and I think this is going to be great.

I made 13 loaves of bread last night only to discover halfway through the baking that someone had TURNED OFF THE OVENS!! AGH! So they're a little overbaked, but hopefully it will teach the house a lesson.

Hm.... other than that. Things with the boy are going well, and i'm mostly way excited that this blog is getting posted to! Hoorayyy!!!! Oh, I also got my CA drivers license in the mail -- I totally look evil in the photo.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

jj's update

the boy in question, k, came and visited cu over break and got to hang out with amazingly cool people like slim, val, and slichter. he also played clue for the first time in his life, and after 5 mins was like "ughhh there isn't enough to space to write on these little pads of paper!" at which point he whipped out his laptop and started typing furiously. it was amazing. he lost anyway.

okay i edited my profile.
oh maybe we shouldn't use real names, if we arent gonna password protect? okay, maybe we're not writing anythign private so its not actually that big a deal.

boo on betsy overload. somehow claire has been the perfect roommate this year and i'm not remotely upset. what's sy? saybrook?

my update:
i woke up this morning with a cold in one nostril, with congestion straight up through that ear. what the hell. i've been spraying it with salt water and drinking tea, and sucking throat candies, but its utterly bizzarre the other nostril is happy as a clam.
last night was my first night back from israel, and on the way back from dinner 2 of my friends decided we need to talk to my other friend (Kim)'s potential boyfriend, before she can date him, because he already dumped her once and she has bad taste. but i'm not really that close friends with Kim, so for some reason she doesnt trust me. haha. but I get to do it anyway. (these are all friends i made at the end of last year, through my eating club).
my plan was that by intervening with other people's love-lives maybe I could avoid my own apparent need to constantly boy hunt. but its not working. give me a week and i'll be telling you about my latest boy.

speaking of which,
slim, how is it going with yours? and jj, update time?

and whoever sees our next two members on IM, prompt them to join.
and lemme know if you dont wanna hear the daily gory details of my life, i just want to hear you all's. cuz now that i added this to my quick-links i check it 10 times a day.

Monday, January 09, 2006

last post of the night

How can I password protect my blog?

We do not currently offer a password protection service for Blog*Spot blogs. However, if you host your blog on your own server you may be able to do this, since many hosting providers include this service. Check with your system administrator for information on how to set it up.

btw to darcy

hey dude, your profile is set up to be visible to other people, so it links to our blog and to the other members of the blog. for some reason mine and jj's don't....no idea why the privacy settings are different.

mysterious identities

whoa, I totally assumed darcy was steph till you called steph by her first name. I assume from the typos that it's M and not leila. :) yup, this is molly. speaking of steph and leila, where are those bums??

ok update: yeah nothing that new. classes started today. happy to be back at school. on betsy overload already --problem! went out for drinks with non-sy people, very fun. the end!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

btw nice domain name. my shirt has finally faded to steph's color (hers was hte first to fade).
oh and maybe i ought to introduce myself, but i figure its obvious. just as you can tell slim = molly. right?
yay okay this rocks. if you guys actually use it. um if we actually want privacy settings we need to use livejournal, they have that. cuz uh it would be kinda cool if we could post w/o being worried about being read, i guess. not sure.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Okay girls

Let's do this. A few things:

1) I couldn't figure out if there was a way to make the blog unaccesable to anyone except us. I don't think there is.

2) Please use this to update and post photos (no porn, Molly).

3) Please to come again soon.

4) Hey everyone what's up? Molly & Leila & I just decided this would be easier than email and that way we wouldn't feel bad about spamming if there was just a little bit of news, and we can skip the really long boring emails that we send out (just kidding! but if you don't want to read you don't have to).

Ideas? Comments?